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Secura Interior Flooring

Secura™ interior flooring is a great option for wet areas such as bathrooms, as well as dry areas like bedrooms. Versatile, light and durable, Secura is dual function. While one side is designed for tiled applications and includes a sealant gap, the other side is perfect for vinyl or carpet applications where the tongue and groove joint is gapless. Secura also does away with the need for a vinyl underlay. Secura sheets have a moisture resistant sealer on all sides removing the need for waterproofing outside enclosed shower areas. It can be exposed to the elements for up to 3 months without warping or twisting or requiring sanding. Secura includes tongue and groove joins which can be secured with a nail gun, so there’s no need for pre-drilling and screwing.
Name Description Size
secura interior flooring installation guide.pdf secura interior flooring installation guide 1.39 MB
secura interior flooring physical properties.pdf secura interior flooring physical properties 34 Kb
secura interior flooring warranty.pdf secura interior flooring warranty 68 Kb
best practice.pdf best practice 324 Kb
fire rated application guide.pdf fire rated application guide 1.11 MB
fire rated technical specification.pdf fire rated technical specification 1.80 MB
james hardie product brochure.pdf james hardie product brochure 6.60 MB
james hardie product guide.pdf james hardie product guide 6.85 MB
wet area construction guide.pdf wet area construction guide 8.29 MB
bracing design guide.pdf bracing design guide 3.18 MB
hardie_fibre_cement_products_sds_apr22.pdf james hardie fibre cement sds 155 Kb